Tester for diagnostics of power steering system

Tester for diagnostics of power steering system

Product code: MS511

Brand: MSG

The MS511 tester is designed for diagnosing power steering system components such as steering racks and pumps without removal from the vehicle. It evaluates fluid pressure and flow rate, helping determine if repairs are needed.
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system
Tester for diagnostics of power steering system

Product description

The MS511 power steering system tester allows for on-vehicle diagnostics of key hydraulic power steering (HPS) components, including steering racks and pumps. By connecting the MS511 to the high-pressure line, users can assess the condition of the power steering system without the need for dismounting.

Key features & capabilities

  • On-vehicle diagnostics – No need to remove components
  • Measures flow rate and pressure with an integrated flowmeter and manometer
  • Tests the system in different positions (left end, right end, center)
  • Evaluates maximum pump-generated pressure
  • Compatible with MS561 PRO for EHPS pump testing
  • Portable and user-friendly design
  • Includes all necessary fittings and hoses

Technical specifications

Parameter Value
Operating fluid ATF
Manometer range (Bar) 0 – 160
Flowmeter range (l/min) 2 – 10

Product packing

Pack number Dimensions Weight
1 31 x 41 x 17 cm 10 kg

Delivery fee

Delivery method Net price
Pickup in Nagytarcsa 0,00 €
Pickup in Debrecen 0,00 €
DHL Worldwide Express 114,60 €

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